
Why PositivelyPullen Blog?

I have asked myself this question also. This is not a business. I thought about a business but decided I do not want at this time another business. I loved Martha Pullen Company, which I started in 1981, with all my heart. We wrote 70 books, published Sew Beautiful magazine, hosted Martha’s Sewing Room PBS TV series for 17 years, traveled all over the United States and the world presenting sewing workshops, taped hundreds of educational videos, produced the School of Art Fashion in Huntsville, Alabama for many years, and developed Martha Pullen Licensed Teacher programs for many sewing machine companies as well as for our company. I sold the company to Hoffman Media and I am pleased to say that once again Hoffman Media is the owner of Martha Pullen Company! I am no longer in the sewing business; however, I still love sewing.

For 25 years I wrote an email newsletter which went out to 45,000 opt-in people and about 67% actually opened it I was told. I loved writing that newsletter which has family news, scripture, a devotional, sewing news, tips from our readers, recipes, thoughts on the “world,” ideas from historic magazines, pictures of my antique clothing collection and just about everything but the kitchen sink. You cannot know how many people have written to me to tell me how much they have missed that newsletter. SOOOO many. So this is my “new” newsletter to my friends which will include so many more topics. I have traveled for the last number of years sharing ways to build home based businesses. I will include entrepreneurship ideas in this blog. I will share my personal sewing for my two great-grandsons which are expected later this year. I plan to share recipes from many different sources. I plan to share things you send to me that you love. I hope you will write “mini essays” on topics you love.  I hope you will share books you love and movies which are worth watching since many of us are staying home A LOT. I would love to share crafts you are loving. And activities you are enjoying. 

I would love low calorie tips and recipes. They must be your own variations not ones straight from a published book. I would love pictures from your family but not from a photographer. If you send photographer pictures I must have a photographer’s written permission to be able to publish it. I can’t promise to use anything you send, but I will enjoy looking at it. All must be sent on an email not in the mail.

This will be a work-in-progress. One of the features will be called “Hometown” and will feature memories of my hometown, Scottsboro, Alabama. This section will include photos, recipes from people I’ve known, and activities.  I would love to have your memories from events such as parties, wedding receptions, and their menus. I’d also like to feature photos of handmade clothing and wedding dresses you made or someone made for you, special handmade Easter clothing and their memories, and wedding dresses of your relatives. You get the idea. This is to be a special blog of our memories. Your hometown as well as mine. If you have a recipe on a handwritten card, please type it out and include the memory that goes with it. This is similar to the way we did for the recipe book that Suzanne and I wrote.

Ok that is a starter about this Blog. It will be ever-changing after we get email addresses and you tell me what you want included and being able to send me your pictures and ideas. It is for you my beloved friends because you have told me how much you have missed the email newsletter. Can you imagine how much I have missed writing it for you each week???? Well I’m writing again.

May God Bless You,


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Martha’s 1960s Low Calorie Egg Custard “Pie”

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